Superfast eFibre Broadband for your Business

Eircom brings the latest eFibre powered broadband technology to your business, allowing you to work faster, more efficiently and cut down on costs while doing it. Fast broadband speeds of up to 70Mb will benefit your business in so many ways.​

Available from 20th May 2013 in areas with fibre enabled exchanges and street cables

  • The fibre goes from the exchange to your local street cabinet and from there to your premises via existing copper wire
  • If you are more than 1Km from the cabinet you probably don’t qualify but GDK can do a test on the line in the traditional way.
  • There is no upgrade fee – you just get signed into a new contract.
  • You need a new modem (free from Eircom) and they also have to call on site and upgrade the box on the wall. They won’t touch customers equipment that has firewalls !!!
  • Your Internet Connection may be off the air for 4 hours while Eircom do their bit – BEWARE!
  • A summary of the packages available are shown below:

Like all new technologies, the implementation needs to be planned carefully. Let us review how best to maximize these faster broadband speeds with particular emphasis on your:

  • Email and Web Hosting solution
  • Remote Office Access Solution
  • On Line Backup solution
  • Suitability of the Firewall Hardware to maximize the new faster broadband speeds

We recommend that each upgrade is professionally reviewed, planned and carried out by GDK qualified personnel.   If you would like us to review YOUR installation and to discuss and plan your upgrade, please ring us on 01-2166 970 or click below