Videos to show some of GDK's Services
How Citrix XenApp Works
A neat chalk talk format on how Citrix XenApp modernizes application management with application virtualization technology. Learn more about XenApp at . Learn more about how XenApp works at .
GDK provides Hybrid Cloud Backup & Recovery. Watch this video to see how we can make your IT systems secure and Help your business grow. Click here to read more
GDK’s Remote Management Services provide Consistent, Proactive IT Support on your computer systems. See how GDK identifies and fixes your computer problem before you know you have one!!!. GDK can detect and fix issues remotely, before you even get to work!!! Click here for more
GDK's Web Protection is our easy-to-manage web security feature that allows you to control, monitor and enforce client web policies all via a single management console that integrates information from multiple components into a unified display. Click here for more.
GDK are now supplying the New Promethean ActivPanel Version 4 that provides large, vibrant, high-definition displays supports multi-touch interaction where up to ten students can collaborate and learn together in sizes of 55", 65", 75" & 84"
Everything has gone digital and virtual and dissimilar devices need to connect to one another. At GDK we understand the toughest challenges well enough so we designed an all in one solution for your backup & recovery. Click here to read more
The Office 2016 preview has just been released for all Windows devices, and it brings a number of improvements to Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and more! Here are first impressions of Microsoft's latest office suite.
What is Remote Managed Services? Think of your computer & computer network as a car. When you get home from work, you leave your car in the garage and next morning your car is optimized and ready to go. This is what managed services does for your technology. Click here for more.
The Citrix Story: 25 years of imagination, innovation and growth.
The workplace looked a little different 25 years ago. 1989 was the year two young software engineers left their comfortable careers and set out to change how the world works. They ended up changing the world. What they stood for then still defines us todayapplications anywhere, to any device.
The new Promethean ActivPanel Touch’s suite of large, vibrant, high-definition displays supports multi-touch interaction where up to ten persons can collaborate and learn together. Have a look at this Video to see the potential benefits to enhance the learning experience. Click here for more.