Talk to GDK about your secure mail environment

You may have read recently in the press about the change that is happening with those still using Eir email addresses.   Eir has announced that they are planning to charge those using addresses €5.99 per month.   This has come as a bit of a surprise for users.

Email Accounts Deleted

This service has been free for users for almost 20 years and the news will come as a shock to many.  After their deadline of March 31st account holders who do not pay will not be able to open their email messages.  Also, if they do not decide to pay, their email account will be deleted and potentially all past email content will not be accessible.

Impact on Users

Many individuals, associations, schools, committees and even small business owners are currently using eircom email addresses and this will have a significant impact on them.  We rely on our email to keep us connected and a change such as this can have a significant impact.

Why are Eir making such a move?  In the UK many telecommunication organisations have introduced similar charges.  We assume that the email service Eir are currently providing is costing them money and they need to monetise it to make it viable.

How will this affect you?

Will this change by Eir affect you?  If you are currently using an address you need to decide if you want to pay the monthly charge.  However, before you do so, this may be the ideal time to talk to an expert about a secure email environment. There are options you may not have considered that are robust, secure and could give you many advantages.  Why not speak to the GDK Network Systems expert team today to explore your options.  Call us today to find out more.