GDK Preparedness for COVID-19

The current situation has brought much uncertainty for businesses.  Instead of sitting and waiting to see what will happen, it is time to act and put a plan in place.  GDK Network Systems have assessed the situation and have put in place a robust plan that ensures we can continue to support our clients. 

Specific to COVID-19,  we are providing an outline of key preparedness activities to ensure continued service delivery during this event. The three areas of focus for which we are ensuring business continuity during any situation that challenges normal operations are as follows:

  • Impact to systems – does the event have a potential impact on our systems used to deliver and support Your IT Systems? No impact.

  • Impact to location – are the locations from which we deliver our support service  affected and what is our response? NO, GDK are flexible to provide service from beyond GDK main Offices as delivered previously in extreme weather conditions.

  • Impact to people – are we prepared should there be impact to the individuals responsible for delivering service to our customers? Our staff will be working from various locations thus minimising the risk for individuals delivering customer services.

Is Your Business Prepared for Covid-19?

Now we are asking our customers are you prepared for this unprecedented event?

  • Can your staff telework and access your IT systems and files securely remotely?

  • Are your staff properly equipped to deliver an on going service?

  • Some clients are asking staff to take their laptops home with them every night

  • Have you reviewed your phone systems to ensure continuity of service from any location.

What are the business implications, and can you service your customers if you are not working with current up to date data?

If you are concerned as to how you will continue with your business should the situation worsen it’s time to speak with us.  We can help you prepare and plan, call us today.